Winter Weather and High Energy Bills

The extreme cold weather last year left many Hartselle Utilities customers with record energy usage – and higher than normal utility bills. While predictions for this winter range from mild to extreme cold, it is always a good idea to take steps to keep energy usage and costs down. Here are a few tips:

1. Turn down your thermostat to 68 degrees or lower. For every degree you lower your heat in the 60- to 70-degree range, you’ll save up to five percent on heating costs.
2. Set the thermostat back to 55 degrees when leaving home for an extended time. However, heat pumps should only be set back two degrees to prevent unneeded use of backup strip heating, which carries higher costs.
3. Check air filters. Dirty air filters increase your energy usage and can also damage your heating. Be sure to use filters approved for your specific system.
4. Caulk around windows and replace old weather stripping around doors to keep the cold air out. Small leaks add up.
5. Reduce cold-air drafts around windows, typically seen in older homes, by using heavy-duty clear plastic sheets, or tape clear plastic film inside your windows. Ensure the plastic is sealed tightly.
6. Close your fireplace damper when not in use.
7. Schedule service for your heating system, and ask what maintenance is required to keep it running optimally. Keep up with maintenance milestones.
8. Open curtains on your south-facing windows on sunny days to naturally heat your home with sunlight. Close the curtains at night to reduce any chill or drafts.

And, while it won’t actually save you money, Hartselle Utilities’ Levelized Billing program can help you budget your monthly energy costs by providing you with a consistent bill each month. Levelized Billing calculates the average of a customer’s prior 12 months, with a cap of 20 percent increase or decrease from the previous month to keep a bill from jumping too much from one month to the next. For more information and to enroll in Levelized Billing, contact Customer Service Manager Terri Harris at or (256) 773-3340.